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Sunday 30 October 2011

When I met Jimmy Savile

When I lived in Scarborough and was unemployed I answered an advert from someone trying to set up a free newspaper. 
I contacted him and he met with a few of us who had replied. 
We all had different backgrounds, Andy was a teacher, Julian did amateur photography, I had a background in art and specifically graphics and knowledge of advertising and oddly can't remember either the name of the guy who advertised or his background!
The guy had the idea of setting up a free newspaper mainly aimed at the unemployed showing job vacancies and paid for through advertising.
This was years before anyone ever thought of introducing free newspapers!
We embarked on discussions with local businesses and many were willing to make the commitment to advertise when we were up and running.
We discussed layout etc and approached a local printer, we just needed the first one printing then once we had revenue from the advertising we could pay from that. It was to cost a few hundred pounds, can't remember the exact amount but it may as well have been millions as we were all skint! 
I wrote letters all over trying to get some sponsorship to no avail. How ironic this would have taken 4 people into work and off the dole queue! 
I eventually was interviewed by The Northern Echo, even did a photo shoot and they called me an editor but no-one came forward to support! 
We decided maybe we should write an article to sell to the papers.
Eventually we wondered whether Jimmy Savile would help as he lived locally in his mum' s flat.
Not sure who knew where he lived but I went round with Julian, the photographer. I was really nervous.
We knocked and yes he answered the door, no security intercom for him.
He invited us in....sorry no flat description, can't remember and too mesmerised and nervous!
We explained about the newspaper and asked if it would be possible to interview him with a view to selling the story. He wanted to help but told us that even if he spoke to us for free the tax man would assume he'd been paid. 
We told him we understood but he interrupted saying that if however we bumped into him somewhere that would be different. He told us he went jogging on the beach early in the morning if we wanted to find him. 
So we chose a day and said that we'd see him down there. I assume Julian gave him his phone number, years before mobile phones.... Yes you youngsters there was a time with no mobiles gulp! ...... as on the day in question I was woken very early by Julian knocking at the door. Jimmy was going earlier that day! 
I still wonder if this was Jimmy's way of seeing how serious we were! 
I quickly donned jeans and t-shirt, grabbed a coat, pen and pad and was off.
There was no possibility of not finding Jimmy at that early hour as the beach was deserted!
So onto the beach we went, both running alongside, Julian taking photos and me attempting to chat. Extremely difficult in those circumstances, even though I was sylph like and fit!
Jimmy said that we should go indoors away from the wind and cold so we went over to Jaconelli's ice cream parlour. It was before opening times but Jaconelli was in the shop and a good friend of Jimmy's.   
Can't remember all the details but did a general interview about his work, jogging on the beach, living in Scarborough etc! 
Then the hard work started trying to sell the story and photos but no-one seemed interested. I think one paper was willing to buy one photo for a meagre amount..... Ironic considering today's paparazzi!
Unfortunately people started getting job offers so we all disbanded...... I think Julian kept the photos.
One good thing came out of it Andy & I looked for a flat to share together and became life long friends!
Wish I had those photos! 

Tuesday 25 October 2011

On The Rebound

In the morning Claire was suffering.
John wanted to know who she had been on the phone with. Claire hadn't realised he didn't know. He asked if it was Roger, a very good friend of Claire's. Well more than a friend as he had asked her to marry him and John knew this. They had spent a lot of time together but only as friends although after a great night out and a little booze, they had made love. John didn't know that! It had been very tender love making and Claire was quite sad that he was someone she couldn't settle down with. She was never attracted to 'nice' men. 
Had she been clear headed and not bowled over by love she would have realised that John obviously was concerned deep down. She just assured him it had been her friend Jackie.

Things were fine for some time. The Central Heating was close to being completely installed so the decorating would soon give something to occupy Claire's time. A lot of the issues arose around her lack of focus and time on her hands, she had always worked. 
Once the house was more organised she was going to set up her own business.
No worries about school holiday time as John would be home.

Claire knew John had a few female friends in the city. Not long term friends but those he had met from placing an advert in a lonely hearts. Not a newspaper but in Private Eye.
She had many male friends so had no problems with this. Although they were all back in the town where she used to live. 
The problem was that he went running to one in particular each time they argued and revelled in letting her know.
It became obvious that she wanted more than friendship. John's explanation of his rebuff was that he realised he was in love with Claire. 
She didn't see it the same way as he still met up with her. 

The issues with the children became problematic as they relayed everything to their mother and she said that they could no longer go to Claire's house. 
John started spending weekends with his children at his flat.
Claire felt his ex partner was manipulating the situation and that they should wait to have the children until she changed her mind. She had to realise that this was their life and the children needed to accept that.

John suggested they see a counsellor.
Claire had never needed to do this but John had been before with his children's mum. She started to think that she wasn't the problem it was obviously John who couldn't cope in a relationship.

She finally agreed and they saw the qualified nurse at the local surgery.
She was lovely. She spoke with John first, then Claire then both.
She said that they would need to have agreed rules for all the children, stick together and not be divided. They should tell their mum that they would have the children but no longer at the flat, at the house. They should wait until this was agreed. 
She was saying all the things that Claire had said so surely john would now listen. He wanted them to see a professional.
How wrong she was. On leaving John said that he didn't know why she had said that and it wasn't the sort of counselling he had been trained in. 
Claire wanted to discuss it further but he was going to meet his friend, Shirley. 

Claire walked home refusing a lift. What was she doing? She knew if she was back in her little town surrounded by family and friends she would have finished the relationship already. Was she holding on because there was no-one else around? 

John had been staying at his flat and didn't return to the house that night.
When he did Claire wanted to discuss everything saying that she had gone to the counselling as he wanted yet he didn't want to take that advice either. He hated the fact that she had said the same as Claire.

Claire was very intuitive and was quick to assess people. He knew she had been right about his ex partner, something he tried to push to the back of his mind. She had been right when she said that his friend was really a friend of his ex and when visiting the cottage she was taking his ex too. Then when he changed the lock she came to collect all the gifts she had given for the use of the cottage to give to his ex. 
She had been right about so many things that John had had to agree with but he wouldn't agree this time.

Eventually he said that it was over but Claire didn't want that, she still loved him, she had left a content life behind for him. On later reflection she realised it wasn't really that she wanted him she just didn't want to be stranded.

It had only been a few months and now was the time when the bills started rolling in. This included a huge phone bill from John's children phoning their mum.
She had no spare cash, no job and had not been in this position since Sam was a baby.
She had to start over again.

Sunday 16 October 2011

On The Rebound

Everything went well over New Year. They had fun on New Year's Eve, although John completing first footing and all singing 'Auld Lang Syne' were a first for them.
Claire and John had a few drinks but weren't drunk. John's children seemed bemused by this as they had obviously witnessed both parents in a drunken state usually! 
Patrick or Paddy as he was known often commented that his mum drank hundreds of bottles with John amused. Claire reiterated that this was Paddy's perception of his mum. John did eventually agree that she never went a day without alcohol! 
Claire was happy to show a different lifestyle to his children.

Into January the arguments started and rather than sort things out John would run back to his flat. 
This affected arrangements to go out for Sam's birthday. Claire did however manage to arrange a party at home for all Sam's new school friends. 
She was determined Sam would not suffer for her choice of partner. 
Claire knew that although she had had some great times in her childhood, it was the bad times she remembered more. She wanted good memories for her daughter. 

John usually came back with his tail between his legs and they sorted things out. 
Claire wasn't good with emotions and usually her way of making up was by making love. John continued to want to analyse the relationship, the fact that he was taking a counselling course didn't help. 
Claire insisted he didn't use her as a 'client'.

The children came over regularly every other weekend. 
Then one morning Sam woke to find some of her things in Sarah's bag.
Claire had a discreet word with John knowing there must be a reason behind this. After all they had all had to cope with their mum and dad splitting, their mum now with a long time friend, having to move house and now Claire and Sam living with their dad.
Unfortunately John's defensive attitude blew everything out of proportion. Claire needed him to chat to Sarah and ask what was wrong but John decided to tackle this in front of everyone. Of course Sarah was going to deny it, then the tables were turned to make Sam appear a liar and Claire wasn't going to accept that. Sam didn't lie, she had no need to. Claire and Sam had always discussed things age appropriate! Sam hadn't tried to cause trouble she had just mentioned it to her mum. 
Claire was fuming at how this had been dealt with.
John suddenly wanted to leave it after causing major problems.
Claire was so angry and reassured Sam that she knew she was telling the truth. 
Sam had to then share her bedroom as in the new house Emily and Sarah shared her room whilst Paddy had a sleeping bag in the spare room.
He often woke in the night having wet the bed so Claire knew how the situation was affecting John's children. She couldn't understand how John didn't see this, quite worrying that he was not more knowledgeable of children especially having been a teacher! 
Fortunately Emily was fine with Sam and Paddy was oblivious,  in his own little world, as always.

Once all the children were in bed Claire started drinking wine refusing the meal that John had made earlier. 
She hadn't been drunk for a long time and at the time didn't realise that it was John turning her to drink. No wonder his ex partner needed so much. 
How blind love can be!
She felt very isolated, didn't have the sort of relationship where she could phone her mum or her sister. In fact history showed her mother would have blamed her. 
When she suffered domestic violence she had said that Claire must have driven him to it with her sharp tongue.
As a child she told her mother another child had hit her so she marched her round to the house. The girl's mother said that Claire had hit her daughter first. Her mother believed the woman and Claire was chastised. Her mother always put other people before Claire and her sister. The only consolation was that Claire knew how not to bring up her daughter.

It was late but Claire went to her bedroom and phoned a friend she had known for many years. Later she wondered what waffle she had ranted on about but her friend didn't mind, a true friend!
Whilst on the phone John appeared at the door with two balloons, left over from Sam's party. He was completely naked with one balloon covering his backside and the other covering his front. Under normal circumstances Claire would have found this funny but she was in no laughing mood! She described the situation to Jackie on the phone stating he was an absolute idiot. 

When she finished her conversation John came up to bed. 
They chatted and Claire was so drunk the love she had overshadowed the anger. She kissed him and wanted to make love but he refused. She couldn't believe it, she had never had anyone refuse to make love with her. Especially as her love making was something many men had never experienced before. She knew she had shown John many new ways.
She was totally aghast. John knew this and said that he realised she had obviously always used her love making to make up with her partners but he couldn't after such a big argument. 
This was a totally new concept for Claire, yet more analysis rather than go with your heart. 

Saturday 15 October 2011

On The Rebound

The house was not what Claire expected but she was great with D.I.Y. and decorating. This was short term, house exchange then buy the house, sell it and John's flat and buy another house! 
She had lost her job and had moved within a month!
Everything was rather rushed including telling all the children.
Sam would have to change schools and leave her dancing classes.

They all spent a day going round primary schools in the city and to a secondary school they had heard about.
The head teacher at one school was in a panic as they were already over subscribed in that year group. Claire explained she loved the school but wasn't going to put Sam in such a large class!
There were many discussions to be had on visiting the schools. Many where heads were making such ridiculous statements that John had to intervene and explain he was a lecturer training teachers! 
At least there was full agreement about the schools Sam would not be joining, she was very bright!
Eventually one was decided upon and the secondary school explained the admission and interview process! 

Claire and Sam had a farewell party in their local where a bloke was on holiday from near to where they were moving, explaining it was a decent area!
Claire had only viewed the house once! 

They finally got moved and as John cleared the rubbish from the back, Claire started stripping the wall paper. 

Sam's bedroom was the first to be decorated but everywhere else was on hold as John fitted central heating. 

They spent time between the house & flat. 
Sam left one school on the Friday and started her new one on the Monday. She loved it but it soon became obvious she was one of the brightest there.
Claire had assumed National Curriculum meant the same everywhere but didn't realise this meant different schemes in different authorities.
Soon Sam was complaining that the work was too easy.
Claire went in to see her teacher and they soon discovered the maths Sam had achieved already was way beyond the level that would ever be achieved in the school. 
Sam was placed on different schemes and allowed to make progress.
It was a difficult situation but as Sam made new friends so did Claire.
There was nothing she could get on with at the house until the central heating was complete. 

John's children came to stay every fortnight and progression was made with Paddy and Emily and Sam grew closer. However Sarah soon started stirring.
She made comments about Sam going to the cottage more than her. John said that this was ridiculous as Sarah had gone for years but ignored Claire's comments about her perception. She could see that Sarah was jealous of the situation.
Then she started with Claire saying she thought she was a certain age then adding she was wrong that was the age of Jenny, John's previous girlfriend.
She then would leave her items at home making John have to collect them as she desperately needed them. 
Claire could see it was so she had her dad to herself and took him away from her. 
John pandered to her so Claire had no chance!
She was certainly an attention seeker. At the seaside she went on a pony knowing full well she was allergic. Spent the rest of the day with half closed eyes and a streaming nose, success achieved, full attention. John read this as some sort of martyrdom!

They spent many weekends at the cottage and the winter nights in front of the open fire were very romantic. 

As Christmas approached Claire became rather worried. Although John paid for food, the house was in Claire's name and being extremely independent she insisted on paying the rent etc. This was out of some extremely small savings.
She had started buying Christmas presents earlier in the year as she always had done so had a few things and was determined Sam would wake to her usual sack full. Enough had changed for her this year she wanted Christmas to be the same as ever! 
It didn't help that they had so far been unable to find a decent dance school. They all wanted to place her in groups linked to age rather than her very advanced ability!

John and Claire bought a few presents for Sam and his children. But he seemed to want to limit Sam's presents based on the fact that he wasn't getting as much for his and that he wouldn't be there on Christmas day. 
Fortunately Claire was able to manage a few more but feared for her ever depleting funds! 

When Christmas did arrive John was determined he wanted Sam to wait and open her presents with everyone. 
On Christmas morning she bounced on the bed with her first present opened. She had done this every year. Immediately John moaned and started sulking. Again bells started ringing for Claire, who was the child!
All day he moped around, hardly taking any photos and Claire loved her Christmas photos. 
Her mother and step father came round from the hotel they were staying in, refusing to stay at the house. It broke the ice a little and although Claire was unable to get exactly what she wanted for Sam, as usual Sam loved all she did get plus a sack full from grandma! 
Sam wasn't spoilt, Claire did buy her lots of presents for Christmas and birthdays but nothing of great expense. This was due to Sam's attitude as she never asked for things. Even at school her list would be one item for her collection, around this time it was My Little Pony plus surprises. This was when other lists comprised of TV, videos etc.
Christmas was ok but spoilt slightly by the start. As usual Claire did everything with very little help and was treading on egg shells around her mother. Why did she put herself through this year after year. 
Then no relief on Boxing Day other than no cooking but a wonderful buffet spread that took hours. 
Her mother used to stay for just the two days until M&S deferred their sale to the 27th! Oh how she had her priorities so right!!!

Christmas over with the rest of the school holidays to enjoy together. 
John's children were due over new year, their mother nearly had a heart attack on realising John was willing to stay home on New Year's Eve! 

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Tonight's tea

Small amount of sunflower oil in frying pan add 1 small onion sliced, 1 large garlic clove sliced or crushed, as much fresh red chilli as you like... About 1/3 for me, few thin slices of ginger, then add various spices....about a teaspoon each of Cumin, coriander, garam masala & turmeric plus pinch of asafoetida and a cardamom pod opened and seeds added to pan. 
Add chunks of paneer, 1thinly sliced courgette, half a tin of tomatoes plus juice, some shavings of creamed coconut, a little water and finally a couple of handfuls of spinach.
Cook out until sauce has reduced down.

Cook rice to accompany.

I had nothing else in but could have mango chutney, poppadums and naans or chappattis too! 


This would give about 2 servings... Adjust for more or add other veg! 

Saturday 1 October 2011


Yes I can't add up there were six children not seven!

On The Rebound

Somehow they all managed to sleep in the cottage.
It was a lovely time for the seven children as they all walked along the rocks with John amongst them as Claire and her friend Caroline straggled behind in deep conversation!

The sea air was so refreshing and the sound of sea gulls each morning a lovely alarm. 

The second night they all went to the family pub for tea and a drink.
Caroline took her two children back over to bed and a little later Emily took  the others as John and Claire finished their drinks. They were about to leave when John over heard a nearby conversation. Some local older men discussing how they hated hearing children swear.
On leaving the pub John commented that maybe some people did find it offensive. Claire added that it was more than concern about people being offended it sounded awful hearing children swear.

They all travelled back to Claire's house in the two cars and spent the last couple of days going to the park and the beach.

Summer holidays were over and soon it was phone calls and weekend visits.
Now John would sometimes collect Claire and Sam and take them to his flat in the city where he lived.
It was only small so Sam had the futon bed and they slept on the sofa bed. When all the children were there the three girls shared the bed with Patrick on the floor.

They often ate out and John introduced them to some lovely restaurants.

Everything was going fine even if he wasn't the love of her life.
She still often thought about Neil but rarely saw him!

At one point John told Claire he loved her but wasn't in love with her and felt she was in love with him but didn't love him. Now he was saying he was in love with her.
At times she found it all analytical!

Claire took the lead in their love making. John had some experience but had never made love with the light on! 
She introduced him to many positions not realising she was mirroring her love making with Neil. 
Once at the cottage she was sitting on the step with The Joys of Sex hidden within another book so as not to upset the passing tourists. Her and John had fun looking through it but their differences became apparent after turning a number of pages saying "I've done that, I've done that...." to his response "I've not!".

There was a first between them though when they often shared a bath, making love each time. 

Soon things were to change as Claire lost her main job. She still had her other two but these didn't add up to many hours. 
Not wanting to be idle she started some local voluntary work.

Then one day she saw an advert in her local shop, someone wanting a house exchange from the city where John lived.
She phoned the number to find it was the daughter of someone already on her street, someone she knew.

She told John and they decided to view the house. It was strange they had never discussed Claire moving to be nearer to John yet they never questioned this new venture.